The case of dead bodies in Nishtar Hospital, tried to explain!

 Basic things are done first, complex things at the end. When we were in medical college, many people used to ask us that Dr. "How much more course is left for you" or this question was often heard that Dr.

 "Do you vaccinate?" And we used to laugh hearing questions like this, how are these people, they don't know that this is not a "course" of one year and six months, it is a 5-year full degree, which is the only such in Pakistan. The degree is done according to international standards, and this is the reason why most of the non-American doctors in the US are either from India or from Pakistan. That is why our official medical colleges recommend only international books and try to teach almost the same quality. Then we used to laugh that these people don't even know that it's not a doctor's job to give a shot or a drip, it's not a doctor's job, it's a dispenser's job or a nurse's job, the doctor's job is to apply their knowledge. Diagnosing the disease and prescribing treatment. A doctor does not do more than that. If that's all you have to do, why should you become a doctor? Why not become a nurse?


 The point of telling all this is that people don't have full knowledge about a thing, and still give opinions about it.

Now coming to bodies, in the first two years of MBBS one subject called "Anatomy" is taught along with other subjects. This article is about both the internal and external structure of the human body. A human body is required to read this article. It is read by cutting which is called Dissection in English language. Bones are read separately, Muscles are read separately. Heart, kidney, liver, brain are all opened with their own hands with the help of scalpel, so everything is not only read separately but also tested. Every reading child has his or her own bones to read.

 I remember once when some of my uncle's friends came to meet me with him, there were bones in my room. Bones of arms and legs. They were surprised to see. Obviously, the person who has seen a human bone in his hand for the first time in his life will be surprised and worried. These bones are separated from the human body through a special procedure and are made capable of being studied. And it is the responsibility of the government to provide all these facilities in the government medical college, you don't get this quality in the private medical college of Pakistan. A plastic corpse is used instead of a human corpse.

 What Islam says about this is a separate discussion, but at present we are not discussing it.

 In Nishtar, there is a dissection of the anatomy department, where the bodies are kept after undergoing a special procedure for 300 students of each Btach and the dissection students do it very skillfully. The sanctity of the human body is said first, then dissection is said. I still remember the words of Professor Mansoor Ali Khan, which was written in big letters in our Dissection Hall, that respect the human body whether it is alive or dead. And this process takes place in medical colleges all over the world. Before that, these bodies are kept in the frozen mortuary which is there in the anatomy department. These bodies are buried in that morgue. It is kept in minus degree temperatures which is a special procedure.

Now the question arises as to where these bodies used by the students come from. Obviously, those who have heirs take back the dead bodies of their loved ones with spears. But Nishtar was the largest hospital in South Asia until a decade ago and is still probably the second largest hospital in Pakistan. On a daily basis, tens of people arrive in Nishtar, who have no heirs, some have come in an accident, some are through rescue, some are addicted to drugs, some are something else. When those orphans die, there is no one to take their bodies. So in such a case, the hospital keeps them in the morgue of the anatomy department. But the mortuary also has a capacity, after all, how many bodies can be stored there, then their maintenance costs.

 In such a case, the dead bodies that are saved have to be kept somewhere with the intention of using them in the future, or stored somewhere else. These are the bodies that an unknown person has raised a noise after seeing them lying on the roof of Nishtar. And since the people want news, that too is good news, so the people are surprised and worried.

 As far as the desecration of human corpses is concerned, it is more the fault of the government than the administration of a hospital, which did not provide a graveyard for a 2,000-bed hospital where they could bury these corpses, and there was no such team. Let him do this. Doctors or nurses should go and bury the shroud themselves.

 Now let's come to the complicated matter, and that is that since we are living in Pakistan and anything is possible here, even if there is any fear of illegal sale or trafficking of these bodies, it should not happen. It may not be in the knowledge of the government. MS does not have the courage to do such an illegal thing and the government does not get its share.

 Even if there is a mistake at any end, it will not be the fault of the hospital or any inhumane treatment, but the fault of the government, because if they are involved, everyone will be involved up to the top. Otherwise, this is the same issue as I have mentioned above. Since the public is not aware of one thing, this thing must be surprising them.