In your difficult time, never take the favor of a weak person, but instead of raising your hand in front of such people, rely on your own strength and ask Allah for help.

 Because your hard times will pass after some time, but the kindness of a poor person will remain with you for the rest of your life, and he will continue to win this favor again and again to embarrass you, and he will make you feel like you for the rest of your life.  He will always want to keep your head and eyes bowed before him, pressed under the burden of kindness.  Then no matter what you do for him, you will never be able to get out of the burden of his favors.  And the few show favors by showing kindness, otherwise the showy show favors, if it is a distant matter, they sometimes avoid looking into someone's eyes while talking to him in a difficult time because he will not be able to meet my eyes.  Let not the self-righteous needy be forced to lower his eyes in shame from looking at me like this.

 Your benefactors are those people who never embarrass you by being kind to you. Always remember such people even in your good times that they were with you in your bad times.  On the other hand, the less capable people do favors to others with the intention that people will remain indebted to them for the rest of their lives and keep them under the burden of the debt of their favors.

 But it has been seen that those who always have their shoulder ready to support others in their difficult time, those same people have often found themselves alone in such a place when they themselves need someone else.  But for them, Allah's help is always there, so when such sincere and selfless people are in need, Allah Himself steps forward and holds them by the finger.  He tells the servants that

 Ho Mukum En Ma Kuntum

 He (Allah) is with you wherever you go.  Allah is always present with the believers.

 It is also an ugly attitude of our society that when a weak person gets power, he becomes a pharaoh and becomes more cruel than before.

 We pray that Allah will never make us dependent on anyone other than Himself, Ameen.