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Wheat allergy!!! Or is it celiac disease? |
'' Doctor ! My son is five years old. He is allergic to wheat. Can't eat anything made from wheat. In childhood, there was a constant complaint of stomach upset and diarrhea. Abdominal pain and a lot of discomfort. When enough tests were done, it was found that there is an allergy to wheat. The doctors stopped the wheat completely, so that he will not be able to eat wheat for the rest of his life. Now use rice or corn bread. Can't eat any biscuits, bakery items. I am very worried. How long will he abstain from this? Seeing other children eat something, he also asks for it. Nothing but rice can be eaten in a ceremony. How long will this last?
Please find some treatment, some medicine so that my child can be cured.
I come across many similar cases where the only problem was that they couldn't eat anything made from wheat, and if they ate it, they would immediately get stomach ache, diarrhea, vomiting or blisters. However, the son of this woman was treated, he was cured by the grace of Allah, Alhamdulillah, then he ate wheat parathas after seven years, now he is eating everything.
Wheat allergy!!! Or is it celiac disease?
Wheat allergy refers to an allergy to the protein present in wheat. The weakened immune system of the patient reacts against the different types of proteins found in wheat. The allergy caused by the protein "gluten" in wheat is also called gluten allergy.
This allergy causes inflammation and swelling in the small intestine and in severe cases blisters can be seen which affects the absorption of nutrients in the patient's small intestine.
Although its occurrence was very rare in Pakistan, now its cases are coming up more frequently. I currently have five to eight patients a week. Two to seven percent of people in any population can be affected. It is a disease in which the patient cannot consume any food made from wheat continuously. The only remedy is to say goodbye to wheat products forever, but the problem is that wheat is an essential part of our diet. Bread, cakes, porridge, biscuits, sweets, Halim each contain wheat, so how to avoid it?
Children with this allergy do not increase their height and weight according to their age, and its symptoms are similar to those of a digestive disorder. Wheat allergy can affect one or more organ systems at once and include:
Symptoms from eating wheat: * Diarrhea periods/prolonged diarrhoea. * Excessive tiredness * Abdominal pain for which the reason is not clear * Weakness and swelling of the bones * Failure to gain weight (weight loss) and not growing properly (for children) * Tooth decay Damage to the protective layer can cause respiratory problems (sneezing and cold symptoms, asthma), stomach/intestinal problems (severe abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea) or skin rashes or rashes on contact with wheat due to wheat allergy. (contact allergy). People with this allergy may have a reaction primarily to another protein in wheat rather than the protein that causes celiac disease.
Precautions: People with this allergy should avoid wheat and anything related to it (such as flour).
There are four things to watch out for in vet allergies:
Barely, Rai, Oats, and Wheat.
Which is abbreviated as BROW. People suffering from wheat allergy should use rice. While buying a packaged item (eg chocolate), one should read the ingredients given on it to see if there is any item related to wheat etc. Good companies write Wheat or Oats or Glutton in regular bold letters. Soy sauce also contains gluten and should be avoided. It is also mixed in the corn cereals of some companies, although they do not write it. Homeopath experts say that weight allergy can be treated if it is of low level.
If your child shows any such symptoms, get a complete check-up, get tested.
The main sign of weight allergy is that the amount of hemoglobin in the blood remains low despite the iron supplement and occasional motion or gas in the stomach. People with these symptoms should get a vet allergy test done on the advice of a physician.