Sexual problems

Sexual etiquette between couples.

Sexual problems

This text has been written purely from the point of view of correction and awareness, those who are not interested should avoid reading it.

 Sex between couples is a special and necessary part of life.  However, for Muslims, open discussion of sexuality is generally discouraged for cultural reasons, but also because Islam views sexuality as a private matter between husband and wife.  However, this does not mean that one should not be educated about sexual relations, since Islam is a complete religion, the Qur'an and many hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have taught about sexual etiquette between husband and wife so that  In this process, the Ummah should be taught the culture of what is lawful and unlawful, halal and haram. Islam teaches us everything and sexual relations are among the most important matters of life, which are explained and the proper behavior and rules of Islam.  Islam has raised it above the level of mere animalism and carnal desire.

Sexologists (Sexologists) consider the manners and principles that are healthy and best in today's modern era. 

 Allah has taught us all this long ago in His religion.  Unfortunately, due to the dominance of evil in today's age of temptation, even most of the educated Muslims are wandering in the pursuit of self, leaving aside the concern of halal and haram.  As a result of which, not only the domestic lives are suffering from decline, but also there is severe psychological confusion at the individual level.

 Perhaps you will be surprised to read that in today's era, the reason for impotence in many homes, even divorce and lack of interest in others, is lack of harmony in sexual relations.  The effect of the generalization of obscenity has dominated men and women to such an extent that they forget the difference between reality and illusion and desire each other in an animalistic way.  Right from childhood, due to the unbridled convenience of the present age, children have easy access to everything, including immoral content, images, movies and sexual relations, due to which they are protected from this evil.  They are also victims of a world full of lies and because of this they abuse themselves mentally and physically so much that either they are not fit for marriage or else after getting married, they seek the same animalistic qualities in their spouse.  If not, a constant disgust and distance increases, the result of which even reaches the breaking of the house.

 But Islam associates it with a good intention, supplication (Azkar) and correct conduct which takes it to the level of worship for which the Muslim will be rewarded.  The Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) explains this.

 There are certain etiquettes for sexual relations or intimacy in Islam.  Among the important issues that should be paid attention to while having intercourse, I am listing them so that the knowledge of the readers can be improved.

1- Intercourse during menstruation is forbidden.  Verse 222 of Surah Al-Baqarah in the Quran has meaning.

 "They ask you about menstruation, say that it is impurity, stay away from women in the state of menstruation and do not approach them until they are clean, yes, when they are clean, go to them from where they came from."  Allah has given you permission, Allah loves the repentant and the pure."

 But it is permissible for the husband to enjoy his menstruating wife without intercourse.

 2 - It is a great sin for a woman to have sexual intercourse in the private part of her back, whether it is during the days of menstruation or during normal days.  Hadith has meaning

 "Whoever has sexual intercourse with a menstruating woman, or sexual intercourse in the back of his wife's private parts, or comes to a priest, has disbelieved in the Qur'an revealed to Muhammad."


 "Allah will not look at a man who has intercourse with a woman in her rear."


 3 - Intercourse while fasting in Ramadan is one of the most serious things that break the fast and one of the most forbidden things.

 But intercourse is permissible after breaking the fast.  Verse 187 of Surah Al-Baqarah in the Quran has meaning

 "It has been made lawful for you to go to your wives at night during the time of fasting."

 Many good-natured wives also deny these forbidden acts, but their husbands threaten them with divorce and disobedience, and some cheat on their wives. Women cannot ask scholars because of shame.  And the husband says that it is halal.

  A husband is allowed to have sexual intercourse with his wife in any way, from front to back, provided that sexual intercourse is performed in the place of the child, and it is known to everyone that the rear private part is not the place of the child, nor is the state of menstruation a state of purity.  .

 It is forbidden for both husband and wife to spread the secret of what happens in their private married life.  In fact, it is one of the worst things.  This is the meaning of the saying of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him

  "On the Day of Resurrection, the worst person in the sight of Allah will be the one who meets his wife and the wife meets him, and then he reveals her secrets."


 A wrong general attitude in this regard is that people make such a mistake and ask someone because they are afraid that they will be given wrong advice without proper knowledge and fatwas without reason.  See, these actions do not invalidate the marriage, they are expiation and repentance, and guidance should be sought from the scholars.  And all these things must be understood by the parents to their children so that they can be properly trained in this regard.  They should be taught the difference between right and wrong so that they can maintain this holy relationship with purity and keep their faith and mental health safe by avoiding all kinds of illegal myths.

 What is good in this writing is from Allah and what is lacking is the result of my negligence, may Allah forgive him, I am not a scholar, just my opinion in the light of my poor knowledge, psychology and references to religion.  What is the pronunciation, if someone wants to correct or reform it, I will be happy.

 God knows best...