The animal you are seeing in the picture is called "Sh" in Punjabi and Porcupine in English.

 It is a herbivorous animal and lives in crops. It is not predatory. Does not attack anyone. A poor and humble creature by nature. But every predator attacks him. From the dog to the fox and from the leopard to the bear, everyone attacks him. Predators use a variety of strategies and tactics. He always wins in the war of survival. And his defense strategy is very straightforward and simple. It uses its core strength to protect itself. In case of attack, it erects its prongs and chills. Attacking animals leave wounded and humiliated by the thorns. From this animal we can learn how to survive in life. Whenever the situation becomes difficult, slaps start from all sides, no one understands what to do in such a situation. Just shut up and be "Sh". Find your core strength and use it to overcome adversity. Keep your strategy and tactics simple.