"Do good and put it in the river" Here, good deeds in life, if you ever get into any difficulty, will help you to cross your new ⛵ in the storm. 

 But our customs and traditions have changed in every case. By doing good deeds we still don't forget to post it but now "Do good deeds and put them on social media (Facebook Status)" so that it spreads throughout the world and more people become witnesses of your good deeds. The witness of the good deeds should be his Lord except the doer of good deeds, now the whole creation is the witness of our good deeds.

 Our Prophet ﷺ said:

 "Whoever talks about his good deeds among the people, Allah will make his hypocrisy known to the people and humiliate him."

 The top hand is better than the bottom hand, and the top hand is the spending hand and the bottom hand is the asking hand. In some places in the Qur'an, Allah has said that you should spend from what I have given you. All the blessings given to us are given by Allah. Then we should have spent something from our play on others. And these blessings are not only money but also countless blessings. There are skills, intelligence, knowledge and many other such God-given abilities. So not only wealth, we have countless blessings given by Allah with which we can help others. If you teach someone a skill, give knowledge and he passes it on to others, then this is charity for you. Many people have heard saying that "the time of goodness is no more". It is not a matter of time, it is a matter of intention. Man has become ungrateful who forgets the favors of his Lord, how will he remember the good deeds done to him by His creatures. So don't look for a good time, but do good in the time. If every good deed is done for the sake of praise, then the good deed and goodness will not disappear from the world. And if we want to support and praise our every good action in this life, it will be very difficult. Others will look inferior and despised, our insides will be filled with hypocrisy and arrogance, the sense of the need for goodness will disappear. The meaning of the hadiths of the Prophet ﷺ is that if you spend on someone, do not hurt his self-esteem, do not even look into his eyes, it was even said that if you give charity with one hand, then the other will not even know.

 So instead of doing any good deed free of pretense and hypocrisy and considering it good, if it is done as a routine task and duty, then maybe the balloon of the self will not fill much air. So become a hider in the age of show. Protection of intention and sincerity will be easy.

               What will happen to our good deeds?

             There is no river in our village