The life of a believer is like a bird with one wing of fear and one wing of hope.  

One cannot be separated from the body.  Therefore, keep hope in Allah and fear His displeasure in your heart.  Just as one can never fly with one wing, it is important to keep both aspects of hope and fear in moderation in one's life.

 Life becomes more difficult when we insist on wanting to set our own timing on God's appointed time.  Because we are in a hurry and in this rush we often become hopeless while our Lord says.

 "Do not despair of my mercy"

 No matter how desperate the circumstances.  But be careful not to lose hope.  Just trust in His mercy and keep courage. God tests His servants.  There are ups and downs in life but what matters is how we deal with the situations.  Life is actually very simple but we insist on making it complicated.  So stay strong and move forward. No deprivation is forever. It is up to us to end it or keep it with us for the rest of our lives.  The day we understand this, the heart will automatically be satisfied.  And it is better to understand early that nothing can change unless he wants to.  Therefore, continue your cry in the court of your Lord and keep asking dua, indeed dua changes the destiny and turns the impossible into the possible.  So pray and pray.